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Rice is the vital food crop as half of the world’s population eats rice as main part of their diets. Rice ranks second only to wheat in terms of area harvested. It provides more calories than any other cereal grain. In Pakistan medium or coarse grain rice is grown mostly in Sindh, while the fine grain aromatic rice crop is cultivated in Punjab. Foreign exchange is earned by export of rice annualy. Grain is commonly used in different forms of human diet. Besides, the straw provides animal feed and industrial raw material. There has been gradual increase in area under the rice cultivation, annual production and yield per hectare. Despite, Pakistan lags behind in obtaining yield per unit area in comparison to many other rice growing countries.

Rice being a diploid species offers many opportunities for the exploitation of induced mutations. Mutation breeding work for the improvement of rice varieties was initiated in 1960s with local tall rice cultivars. With introduction of semi-dwarf varieties from IRRI, efforts were diverted to improve these new cultivars. The NIA has been successful in evolving four non-aromatic and two aromatic rice mutant varieties.



Variety NameShadab
Year of release1987
PedigreeMutated from IR6
BreedersG. Bari, G. Mustafa, A.M. Soomro, A.W Baloch
Centre of OriginNIA, Tando Jam
Sowing date15th May to 15th June (upper Sindh)
Average yield6000 kg/ha
Potential yield7000 kg/ha
Seed rate8-10 kg/acre
Fertilizer applicationN:P:K 120:60:0 kg/ha
No. of Irrigation2 inches water should be maintained till maturity
Resistance against diseases / pestModerately resistant
Tolerance against abiotic stressModerately tolerant
Adaptation of varietySindh and Balochistan provinces
Quality parametersFine grain, absence of chalkiness



Variety NameShua-92
Year of release1993
PedigreeMutated from IR8
BreedersG. Mustafa, A.M. Soomro A.W Baloch
Centre of OriginNIA, Tando Jam
Sowing dat15th April to 15th May (lower Sindh)
Average yield7000 kg/ha
Potential yield8000 kg/ha
Seed rate09-11 kg/acre
Fertilizer applicationN:P:K 120:60:0 kg/ha
No. of Irrigation2 inches water should be maintained till maturity
Resistance against diseases / pestModerately resistant
Tolerance against abiotic stressSalinity tolerant
Adaptation of varietySindh and Balochistan provinces
Quality parametersUpto standards of non-aromatic rice



Variety NameSarshar
Year of release2002
PedigreeMutated form IR8
BreedersA.M. Soomro A.W Baloch, H.R. Bughio, M.S Bughio
Centre of OriginNIA, Tando Jam
Sowing date15th April to 15th May (lower Sindh), 15th May to 15th June (upper Sindh)
Average yield7500 kg/ha
Potential yield8500 kg/ha
Seed rate8-10 kg/acre
Fertilizer applicationN:P:K 120:60:0 kg/ha
No. of Irrigation2 inches water should be maintained till maturity
Resistance against diseases / pestModerately resistant
Tolerance against abiotic stressModerately tolerant
Adaptation of varietySindh and Balochistan provinces
Quality parametersShattering resistant



Variety NameKhushboo-95
Year of release1996
PedigreeMutated from Jajai-77 (a landrace)
BreedersG. Mustafa, A.M. Soomro A.W Baloch,
Centre of OriginNIA, Tando Jam
Sowing date15th April to 15th May (lower Sindh), 15th May to 15th June (upper Sindh)
Average yield3000 kg/ha
Potential yield4500 kg/ha
Seed rate08-10 kg/acre
Fertilizer applicationN:P:K 100:40:0 kg/ha
No. of Irrigation2 inches water should be maintained till maturity
Resistance against diseases / pestModerately resistant
Tolerance against abiotic stressModerately tolerant
Adaptation of varietySindh
Quality parametersHigh aroma and good taste



Variety NameMehak
Year of release2006
PedigreeMutated from Basmati-370
BreedersA.M. Soomro, A.W Baloch, H.R. Bughio, M.S Bughio
Centre of OriginNIA, Tando Jam
Sowing date15th April to 15th May (lower Sindh), 15th May to 15th June (upper Sindh)
Average yield2500 kg/ha
Potential yield3500 kg/ha
Seed rate07-09 kg/acre
Fertilizer applicationN:P:K 100:40:0 kg/ha
No. of Irrigation2 inches water should be maintained till maturity
Resistance against diseases / pestModerately resistant
Tolerance against abiotic stressModerately tolerant
Adaptation of varietySindh
Quality parametersExcellent Aroma, long grain, less bursting percentage



Variety NameShandar
Year of release2006
PedigreeIR6 mutated with Gamma rays(250Gy)
BreedersA.M. Soomro, A.W Baloch, H.R. Bughio, M.S Bughio
Centre of OriginNIA,Tando jam
Sowing date15th April to 15th May (lower Sindh), 15th May to 15th June (upper Sindh)
Average yield8500 Kg
Potential yield9500 Kg
Seed rate8-10 kg/acre
Fertilizer applicationN:P:K 120:60:0 kg/ha
No. of Irrigation2 inches water should be maintained till maturity
Resistance against diseases / pestModerately resistant
Tolerance against abiotic stressModerately tolerant
Adaptation of varietySindh and Balochistan provinces
Quality parametersNon chalkiness, Narrow grain